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The Changing Face of Engineering: From Solution Engineers to Entrepreneurial Technologists

Published: January 31, 2025: 10:00pm

As I reflect on the rapid changes in technology, I'm reminded of my own journey studying human intelligence and artificial intelligence. For years, I've sought to understand human intelligence and create artificial intelligence that rivals human capabilities. Large Language Models (LLMs) are often referred to as AI, but I believe this label overestimates their capabilities.

While LLMs process and generate vast amounts of data, their abilities are based on complex statistical patterns and algorithms, rather than true understanding or intelligence. This might seem like a bold statement, given LLMs' impressive feats, from generating human-like text to answering complex questions. However, as someone who has studied the subject extensively, I confidently assert that LLMs are not the AI many people claim they are.

However, the impact of LLMs cannot be overstated. Despite not being true AI, they're driving a profound transformation in how we live, work, and interact. This technological shift is fundamental, changing the underlying dynamics of our economy, social structures, and individual relationships. Yet, many people underestimate the scope and significance of this change, risking being caught off guard by its far-reaching consequences.

The Changing Face of Engineering: From Solution Engineers to Entrepreneurial Technologists

As someone who has followed these developments closely, I see the writing on the wall. The lucrativeness of solution engineering and other professions is dwindling. Solution engineering will remain necessary, but it won't be the lucrative profession it once was. The world is becoming one where micro-entrepreneurs thrive.

We'll see a proliferation of small online businesses, and they'll be the new tech workers. People with business skills and technical expertise will succeed, while those with only technical skills will struggle. This fundamental shift requires engineers and technicians to rethink their approach.

As engineers, we're often focused on our technical work, which makes us great at what we do. However, this focus can make it difficult to see broader changes in the industry. It's easy to get caught up in day-to-day demands and miss the bigger picture. The old saying about the frog in the pot of slowly boiling water comes to mind. Sometimes, change creeps up on us so slowly that we don't notice until it's too late.

That's what's happening to engineers today. The world is changing slowly but surely, and many engineers are too focused on their day-to-day work to notice. But it's not too late. By taking a step back and looking at industry trends, we can position ourselves for success and stay ahead of the curve.

The Changing Face of Engineering: From Solution Engineers to Entrepreneurial Technologists

It's time for engineers to wake up. Solution engineering as we know it is dying. The days of earning a good living solely with technical skills are ending. To thrive, engineers must become entrepreneurs with technical skills. They need to develop new skills to succeed in a world where technology changes exponentially.

This isn't just about learning new programming languages or frameworks. It's about developing a deep understanding of business, marketing, and finance. It's about learning to identify opportunities, innovate, and adapt to changing circumstances. It's about becoming a true entrepreneur, passionate about creating value and solving real-world problems.

I know this might seem daunting. Many engineers are comfortable with the status quo and hesitant to venture out of their comfort zones. But the rewards are worth the risks. By becoming entrepreneurs with technical skills, engineers can unlock new opportunities and thrive in a world of rapid change.

To all engineers, I say: wake up. The world is changing, and you need to change with it. Develop new skills, new ways of thinking, and a new approach to your work. Become entrepreneurs with technical skills, and thrive in a world where technology changes exponentially. The future belongs to those who adapt, innovate, and thrive.

To those already making this transition, I say: keep going. You're on the right path, and the rewards will be worth the effort. Don't be afraid to take risks, try new things, and push boundaries. You're not just changing your career; you're helping shape the future.


Brian is the Founder of DOrch, a Container-Oriented Cloud Hosting Platform. DOrch has models suited to all potential customers, including, but not limited to, Individual Engineers and Enterprises. Prior to founding DOrch, he was an established Principal Architect. With a lot of success stories to draw from, he was a critical player in the exponential growth of many businesses around the world